Kingsland Martial Arts

Training with KMA

Training at our club

Kingsland Martial Arts runs three training sessions each week for most of the year. 

Adults classes run on Monday & Wednesday evenings 7.30-9pm, 

Martial arts classes for children which are run on a Saturday afternoon during each school term 1-3pm depending on which group you are in.

Our style is called Hapkido, a form of martial art developed in Korea which shares much of its heritage with other styles such as Juijitsu, Taekwondo, and Aikido.

Although we retain some of the ceremony and values of traditional martial arts, all of our classes are taught in English in a relaxed atmosphere. We ask members to train hard, but with respect and care for each other. Our emphasis is on learning and growing as individuals in a supportive club environment. 

Hapkido for adults Hapkido for children

Self-defence vs. Sport

Our focus has always been on self-defence - techniques to protect yourself and others when a non-violent outcome was impossible. In recent years we've also taken part in tournaments both at our own club and throughout New Zealand. Tournaments present another challenge for students and are a great way to express your skills and take on challengers in a much safer environment! We believe strongly that training for one strengthens the other.

Our 'Love fighting, hate violence' philosophy

Respect & self-control are important, traditional values of martial arts practice. Why? Because they allow us to practice fighting without harming our fellow students. Fighting as we practice it is a social activity. Violence, on the other hand, is anti-social and not tolerated or condoned. We don't tolerate bullying, inappropriate hitting, shoving, or even name calling in class (the same rules go for the adults and children!) Understanding the notion of consent, respect, and personal boundaries in physical training is something we instil in children, and insist on in adults.

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  • "Excellent training regime, relaxed yet disciplined, very helpful and experienced instruction, great people to train under and lots of fun" - James CB
  • "Great training environment for both kids and adults. The instructors and other students have a really friendly, positive, attitude. I really like the combination of striking and grappling." - Sol K
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