These notes show the minimum number of techniques required to advance to the next grade. You'll also see some 'estension techniques' at the bottom, which are optional for those who wish to extend their skills.
- Red Tip pattern plus all previous patterns
- Basic one
- Tanjon Breathing
- Extend striking skills: continue to develop speed and power, retain balance while
Ground Skills
- Build on basic grappling positions
- Learn basic finishes - reclining arm bar / Kimora /keylock / Scarf hold armbar / keylock finishes
- Basic freestyle grappling for 3 minutes
- Headlock throw to scarf hold
- Reaps - inside/outside
- Use short stick to apply locks x 5
- Use short stick to block kicks x 4
- Three step sparring drill, with kicks and takedowns
Core Self Defence
- Side headlock: Head redirection, leg-lift & throw
- Front headlock: Wrist-press escape, low-leg takedown from behind, figure 4 lock
- Double-lapel grab against seated defender: Seated scissor-leg takedown
- Seated - throw to ground - leg scissors when they step in
- Step in reverse (back hand ) punch: Block with stick, hit ribs, & neck throw using short stick
- Attacked while lying down: Roll towards leg, trap and takedown.
Extension Self Defence
- 3 x attacks against seated defender: Student to employ any previous self-defence technique as appropriate
- Rear naked choke from behind while Seated – Shrug shoulders up to prevent compression to the side of the neck. Grab attacker’s hand and elbow pull down and twist inwards pulling attacker to the floor. Finish with any locking or striking techniques.
- Hair grab techniques while seated