These notes show the minimum number of techniques required to advance to the next grade. You'll also see some 'estension techniques' at the bottom, which are optional for those who wish to extend their skills.
- Red belt pattern
- Patterns from previous 5 grades
- Tanjon Breathing
- Basic 1
- Low spinning kick
- Axe kick
- Should be able to exhibit speed, balance, and power in 3-4 strike combinations
Ground Skills
- Improving your position: Escape from mount, passing guard, escape from side mount
- Demonstrate understanding of more finishes - from guard triangle, side mount - arm bars / elbows, scarf hold - cross face choke
- Judo-style sparring exercise - non-compliant partner - all throws / sweeps/ reaps
- Knife Basics: grip, stance, common attacks.
- Basic blocks against knife x 2
- Self-defence flow drill 2: multiple transitions between locks and escort holds
Core Self Defence
- Double strike to head: full nelson, knee in back.
- Bear hug from front: shoulder throw
- Dynamic wrist locks: 4 variations, pushing and pulling both sides
- Pivoting to writs lock: 4 variations
- Pushing from behind: comply, then twist to throw and finish
- Double wrist grab: Fireman's throw
Extension Self Defence
- Bear hug from front: Sweep
- Finger lock backdrop from rear bear hug
- Standing triangle from reverse punch.
- Pointed Finger waggle technique